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Youth Camp


Join Us For A Summer You'll Never Forget!

Campers choose their own adventures with sports, arts, music, and nature under the care of qualified adults. Each  session offers youth excitement, faith and fellowship in a safe environment allowing them to learn and grow while having fun! Cabins consisting of eight campers and one counselor also participate in nightly devotions designed to reflect on their experiences and their confidence in the Lord.


Choose Your Adventure

June 16 - 20

Discover God’s world through the study of the nature around us. We will focus on everything He has created, from the tiny creatures in the land and water to the night sky. Be prepared to have fun while exploring the great outdoors.

June 23 - 27

Olympics week is an exciting session where campers participate in activities inspired by Olympic events, join in a variety of crazy competitions, and participate in Opening & Closing Ceremonies and more! Campers will learn about different countries, as well as the importance of encouragement, cooperation, and teamwork.  

August 4 - 8

What’s your favorite holiday? We will be spending this session celebrating everything God has done, including a day dedicated to celebrating “Christmas in July” (So bring your holiday gear as you will be recreating Christmas at camp). Campers will feel the Holiday spirit as we learn how Christmas is celebrated around the world.  

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Our Policies

For a comprehensive understanding of our camp policies and guidelines that ensure a safe and enjoyable experience for all, we invite you to download our Camp Handbook. This essential resource provides detailed information on everything from visitor conduct to activity schedules. By familiarizing yourself with our guidelines, you contribute to the positive and inclusive atmosphere that defines the Tall Turf experience.

Financial Assistance

The cost for camp is dependent on the number of days per session, family size and income.
Financial assistance is available. Our program costs are offset through fundraising efforts and generous support from partners and donors. We are also more than willing to accommodate payment plans as needed. 


Limited financial scholarships are available for campers with special medical needs through the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services (MDHHS) in conjunction with the Children with Special Needs Fund/Family Center for Children and Youth with Special Health Care Needs. These applications are typically available in the early spring.

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